Hello Jakartass
I read with interest your new blog site Green Indonesia. It seems like a great initiative, and I hope you continue with it. When did it start?
I wonder if you could put a link to the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), and Telapak on your Rain Forest Action page. EIA and Telapak have been working together for over 10 years, primarily campaigning on illegal logging and the associated trade in illegal timber in Indonesia, and around the world. EIA is based in London, England, and specializes in using visual documentation techniques to expose environmental crime, while Telapak is based in Bogor and Jakarta, and works on sustainable community projects, and campaigns on illegal logging.
Our respective URLs are
If you could put us on we would appreciate it.
More generally, I have been seeing there are more and more bloggers in Indonesia commenting on environmental issues, which is very promising. If you ever require specific information about forest issues in Indonesia, or illegal logging, please feel free to get in touch.
Keep up the good site.
Jago Wadley
Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA)
62/63 Upper Street
N1 0NY
EIA is an independent, international campaigning organisation committed to investigating and exposing environmental crime.
Green Indonesia is intended as a ‘café blog’. Anybody is welcome to contribute news of events, actions, campaigns etc. which are felt to be sufficiently ‘green’. Please email me or Rambler.